History of Music
Elements of Music
Music Genre
Advantage and Disadvantage of Music


Advantage of music
Disadvantage of music
Listening to good and soulfulmusic will help us attain self improvement and have a better quality in life.We can do our house hold chores after turning on some good music and will help us not to feel tired or itb can reduce our tiredness.Music also can motivate us by making us more relaxed and more happy.

With respect of brain waves,studies have shown that
The major of music in society is that a large majority of popular musicians are making and selling their music for no reason other than to make money.

Giant records label aren't singing bands because thet think they are really talented and make good musics.Maybe not all of the giant records make music for profit only but they also can overshaded others singers that has talent but not lucky such as singers in big compony.